Secrets of Awesomeness by Security Council

Though I believed there could be nothing better than my first day spent in Security Council, the second one turned to be even more exciting. I can`t but write a couple of words about each delegate.

From the very moment I found myself in Security Council, I tried to crack a mystery of their being so over-the-top. And here they are - Secrets of Awesomeness by SC!

Secret of Azerbaijan (Anna Procopovich) – a thermo cup: Anna never left her thermo cup. Probably, it helped her to stay active and full of desire to make a perfect resolution. The question is what was in the cup? Tea? Coffee? Something not-completely-alcohol-free? Nobody will ever get to know.

Secret of Colombia (Ivan Velentey) – funny interpretations of familiar words. What is more, on the 1st day Ivan entertained us with a demand to protect the vulnerable, tourists and gorillas (?), and on the 2nd day – with a gorgeous performance for his coming late.  

Secret of France (Tatiana Kuzmiankova) - self-control: Tatiana was completely well-balanced and managed to fight back every objection in such an elegant and polite manner that made everybody stunned.

Secret of Portugal (Maryia Sambuk) – follow your principles and make up new ones:  On the 1st day Maryia kept to the policy of non-speaking and non-participating-in-debate, but on the 2nd day everybody was very happy to see her placard rising very often.

Secret of the USA (Christina Letetskaya) – a perfect image: Christina`s image completely correspond to my vision of a smart girl studying in an American College. Moreover, she turned out to be a great guide around Minsk who knows all possible and impossible clubs and cafes in the city.

Secret of the Russian Federation (Anton Vtyurin) – subpoints: as Anton said, “Subpoints are cool”, especially, if they start with “a” and end with “e”. When subpoints failed to work, he used his coin. That is how the House made up an important decision which of two resolutions would be presented  during General Assembly.

Secret of India (Ekaterina Pimenova) – sudden disappearance: on the 2nd day everybody wondered what the reason for her not-coming-to-debate was.

Secret of Guatemala (Anastasia Kozich) - to prove that Anastasia is awesome I would just say that she had already jumped with a parachute twice…for 2 times…any questions?))

Secret of the UK (Olga Rudak) – a ringstone:  Olga had a very beautiful ring in form of “Union Jack”, which  was both symbolic and useful while signing resolutions and other documents.

The chairs were even more awesome! It took me two days to reveal their secrets.

Secret of Burhanuddin Hamza – Due to Burhan`s diplomacy and encouraging speeches, the House was constantly ready to burst with applause. This is without mentioning his wonderful smile.

Secret of Egor Klimovich – at the beginning I thought the secret was concealed in his elegant bow-tie. But later his splendid sense of humor has been recognized by me. For delegates, it was like gravitation: it held their attention and kept them writing lots of operative clauses and amendments.

In conclusion, I would like to add that it was a great pleasure to work and communicate with Security Council! I hope next year they will gather at BelaMUN to prove one more time their Awesomeness! =)

Tatiana Pribolovets

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